Food for Fido and Fluffy

For many people, January is the time to re-evaluate dietary habits. If your family includes furry four-legged varieties, this is a great time to re-evaluate their dietary habits, too. Choices for pet food are almost endless. The goal is to help your pet live a longer, healthier and happier life with you. Every pet food [...]

Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my human gave to me, a microchip in a pear tree. The microchip was a great idea.  I’m scared when I’m alone and in unfamiliar surroundings.  Now I have permanent identification.  I can’t speak human, but the microchip helps find my mom and dad.  Thanks to this technology, hundreds [...]

Holiday Safety Tips for Pets

It’s happy holiday season again.  The fun and festivities bring food, and right behind, Fido and Fluffy.  Your pets have no idea why you’re celebrating, but they can smell the delicious bounty and they’re delighted to invite themselves. Halloween haunted our streets last week, but now it’s time to beware of other dangers lurking nearby.  [...]

Protect Fido from Lepto

If your family includes a dog, “Lepto” may be a familiar word.  You may remember your veterinarian talking about it, suggesting a vaccine to help protect Fido from this disease.  Or you may have heard on the news that there’s a “Lepto” outbreak in Boston now. “Lepto” is the nickname for leptospirosis, a bacterial infection [...]

Back-to-school for Fido

It’s back-to-school time for the kids.  As Fido watches the yellow bus, he might be wondering what to do with his time.  Maybe you’ve been thinking the same thing. September is a good time to consider back-to-school for Fido, too.  Whether you decide to sign Fido up for classes, or you home-school your pooch, it’s [...]

Dog days of summer

Fido agrees: the dog days of summer are here.  And if your pooch is your pal, the sky is the limit with outdoor fun.  As with any activity, though, poor planning can dampen even a sunny day. As a pet parent, there are some dos and don’ts to maximize this season’s fun with your Fido [...]

Why is Fido itchy

Fido is happy that spring has sprung, and he’s itching to go outside and have fun.  If Fido is a member of your family, you may have noticed that he is itching in other ways, too.  Increased head shaking, paw licking, and general scratching may be signs that flowers are blooming. Allergies in pets can [...]

Pet dental pearls, part 3. Common problems

Welcome to part three of the “Did you know…” pet health series.  Today’s edition will highlight common dental issues with adult cats and dogs, with helpful hints on how to avoid them. Fido and Fluffy have teeth, too.  Like their human counterparts, regular home dental care is important to keep their mouths healthy.  Periodic professional [...]

Did you know … pet dental pearls Part2

Welcome to the second of a three-part series on pet dental health.  Today’s column is all about babies.  Fur-babies, that is.  Pediatric pet dental care is important, because puppies and kittens have teeth, too. Last month, we highlighted preventive dental care for pets.  This included home dental care, such as tooth brushing and VOHC-approved chews, [...]

Did you know … pet dental pearls Part

Welcome to another edition of the popular “Did you know…” pet health series. Fido and Fluffy are grinning, because February is National Pet Dental Health Month. That’s right, pets have teeth, too. There are many misperceptions about pet oral care. This is the first of a three-part series, and will highlight aspects of routine dental [...]

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